Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
We support missions in the city of Great Falls, the state of Montana, the United States, and around the world.

Missionaries & Ministries We Support
Local Ministries
Echo Pregnancy Center
Great Falls Rescue Mission
Set Free Ministries
Great Falls Rescue Mission
Set Free Ministries
United States Missions
Andrew & Ashleigh Dawson - FREE International
Rich & Kim Greenwald - Rural Churches
Lance & Miska Lanning - Youth Alive
Richard & Hope Stewart - Native American Ministries
Rich & Kim Greenwald - Rural Churches
Lance & Miska Lanning - Youth Alive
Richard & Hope Stewart - Native American Ministries
Montana Ministries
Tim & Caroline Anderson - Bozeman Chi Alpha
Titus & Jackie Bergren - Butte Chi Alpha
Dylan & Laura Morss - Missoula Chi Alpha
Nick & Haley Petrusha - Helena Chi Alpha
Titus & Jackie Bergren - Butte Chi Alpha
Dylan & Laura Morss - Missoula Chi Alpha
Nick & Haley Petrusha - Helena Chi Alpha
World Missions
We support many incredible missionaries around the world. Because of the political nature of some countries, we do not list our world missionaries on our website.
Youth & Kids Missions:
Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge
Speed the Light
Speed the Light
Join the mission
Be God's hands and feet to the world around you.
Great Falls is our home. The people are our people. Right now, reach out to those who may be in need in your neighborhood. There are countless ways to do this. Donate to Child Bridge, the Great Falls Rescue Mission, the Great Falls Food Bank, My Neighbor In Need, or one of the many not-for-profit organizations in our city and county. Pray for our city and county's first-responders. If you know a first-responder, ask them what they need. Pray for our military personnel. Pray for our city and county leadership. Ask your neighbors if they need anything. You might just make a friend. Let's open our hearts and be God's hands and feet.